Tuesday 10 February 2009

Day 4 - Tuesday 10th February

This was my last full day in New York and I still had millions of cool stuff to see. I got up early and made my way to the Staten Island Ferry. It is meant to give you great views of the Financial District and the Statue of Liberty but it was cloudy and the windows were boggin’.

Next on my list, a hot date with a 300ft lady. The ferry out to Liberty Island is much better and you can sit out on the deck. The weather was starting to clear up and I got some amazo photos. When you get to the island you can go up on to the pedestal but I thought you could get up into her eyes like in Ghostbusters 2.

The site of the World Trade Centre is only a few blocks away from the ferry terminal so I decided to check it out. It is rubbish. Well, it is rubble actually. It is surrounded by fences so can’t really see what they are building. Some posters around the perimeter show the new WTC Liberty Tower but when I asked one of the workmen when it would be completed he just said “a long time”.

Spent some time cutting about Time Square. The highlight has to be the Hard Rock Cafe. They have loads of cool Beatles memorabila and Rock Facts...

Went back to my hotel for a powernap before dinner. My map said that the Marilon Monroe’s Subway Grill was one block from my hotel but I couldn’t find it. I asked about a dozen people and they all looked blankly at me. After my powernap and hotdog (a big let down by the way, just imagine a 10p “sausage” in a roll) got the V train downtown to The Sidewalk Cafe. This is the spiritual home of the New York Anti Folk scene. I met Matt and Nan and they introduced me to a female drag act?!?! I stayed for the first couple of acts, The World Famous Bob. She was really funny, and the female drag act that I had just met. Next up was a guy called David And who was demo-ing his new rock opera! It was, different.

What's on the iPod : "Misdirected Energy" - Major Matt Mason USA

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