Thursday 12 February 2009

Day 5 - Wednesday 11th February 2009

Day 5 - 11th February 2009

Only have half a day left in New York and I haven’t seen the dinosaurs yet! I jumped on the subway and made my way to the museum district. Its a pity that it is my last day as I have become a subway expert. I was stopped and asked directions three times today. Stupid tourists!

Went to the Guigenheim Museum first. It was shut! Oh well, the outside looks cool! Walked past the Jew Museum and cut through Central Park to the Museum of Natural history. I had been told that it was a recommended donation of $20 but you can just pay $1. I thought it would just be a collection plate at the door but you have to go up to a till and pay. I tried to
make five $1 bills look fat I felt a bit of a pikey. They have dinosaurs! Lots of them..

Here comes the lowlight of my trip so far... Arrived at Newark Airport 2 hours early for my flight. It was delayed by an hour and the people that were waiting were talking loud and saying nothing! Ugh! I would go into great detail about how I wanted to dropkick about a dozen faces but it would just stress me out. Got on the plane to discover I was in seat B. The worst seat. The flight seemed to take about 10 hours instead of 5. Whoever said it is the journey not the destination is a dick. The worst part of travelling is the travelling!

I arrive in Vegas around 7pm. It is ridiculous! I headed straight to my hotel to check out my jacuzzi! I checked in at the reception and they gave me directions to my penthouse. It honestly took me about 10 minutes to get to my room?!?! On the journey I walked past and indoor forrest, 2 waterfalls and a huge eBay puggy! My room was Amazo! Probably about the same size as Flat Amazo?!?! The jacuzzi was brilliant too. Time to hit the strip!

The strip is about twice the size of Sauchiehall Street but with more Eiffel Towers and giant M & Ms and it smells like a BBQ. Somebody handed me a free pass to ROK, the best nightclub in Vegas. I decided to check it out. I had to que for about an hour and when I got to the front of the que the bouncer ID-ed me. I left my passport back at the hotel for safety so only had my old student card. He looked at it and said it had expired. I told him that my D.O.B. was still the same and that I was from Scotland and hadn't been ID-ed for over 10 years. He told be to bolt. It sounded pish anyway!

What's on the iPod : "After the Goldrush" - Neil Young

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